It's was a busy, crazy night last night. First I had started to do some Christmas baking during the day. Made cranberry orange nut bread which seemed to take a lot of work to only make four little mini loaves. Then I made the dough for sugar cookies. Meanwhile, Jonah was behind on his science project. First he was going to compare the growth of plants with different temperatures of water, but we didn't get the plants in time. Then we were going to test absorption rates with different temperatures of water indicated by food coloring except NONE of the colors showed up in the white flowers as they were supposed to. So Jaime got a bunch of paper towels for the old paper towel absorption test. Why do they have science projects due just before Christmas vacation? Why do they have science projects in the 3rd grade?
Did I mention that Jaime and the kids are living here with us now? That's a long story. Anyway, then came last night. There was an award banquet for flag football and cheerleading. Jonah was in a terrible mood and wouldn't eat dinner and Jaime had to leave with Mia to get started on the science project. Anyway, I think Jonah was worried that he wouldn't get a trophy because he was all smiles after that. Meanwhile, Jaime was up all night doing Jonah's project after he fell asleep. (Thank God his teacher doesn't see this blog.) Then Mia decided to wake up screaming several times during the night pulling at her ear. This morning we looked at the schedule and the project isn't actually due until tomorrow. So everyone is tired. The house is a wreck. There are paper towels and cups of colored water everywhere.
On the good side, Roger's sister and brother-in-law have moved back to Florida from Michigan. They are just a few minutes away. Now he is not quite so outnumbered by my family. We went over on Sunday to visit Mary's daughter and her family who are visiting. There is Ava who is 2 1/2 and Christopher who is 8 months old. They are adorable but I forgot to take my camera. Hopefully we can get Ava and Mia together to play while they are here. Meanwhile, Mary is recovering from a broken arm and lots of cuts and bruises from a fall. She has had a hard time recovering from cancer and now this, but we will try to take good care of her. Merry crazy Christmas season!
*****Afternoon update*******
The doctor said Mia had a little water on her ear but no infection. They said she may be cutting molars and to try Motrin. Roger and I have enjoyed a peaceful, quiet day.
Hi Shari, I saw your name in a commet you made to Ruth at Synchronizing.
ReplyDeleteThough they are passed away now,I had a Grandma and Grampa Sunday. Sunday is my Mama's maiden name,and my Grandparents lived in Flomaton Ala.
So much information to try and share here it can be overwhelming. I recently joined a Face-Book group called "Last Name Sunday".
A girl who attends UCF created the group
Her name is Jessica Sunday.
I guess Sunday is not your maiden name,but your children and grandchildren share Sunday Family genes.
Whew! Ok Shari,I hope to hear from you when you get a chance.
Peace be with you,