Jonah and Jaime on New Year's Eve with Alan in the background
We have been eating chili. Roger's homemade ground beef chili and my attempt at white chicken chili. White beans cooked in chicken broth with onion and big chunks of chicken, chili powder and cumin and lots of jalepeno peppers and jalepeno juice. The chicken got overdone and stringy but the chili was hot and spicey and we ate most of it and took some to other sickies, Jaime and Alan, who both claimed to eat it all. I am planning to try the chicken chili again.
I babysat Mia a lot lately and proved to myself again that I'm not good at watching all three kids at once. Ended up yelling at them and feeling terrible. They don't seem to be holding a grudge, but I hate it when I do that.
Last night, Roger and I went to Beef O'Brady's with Karin and Alan and Joyce. It was fun. Beer and hot, spicy wings. Joyce is still hanging in there looking for a job. It is hard keeping her spirits up, but last night cheered us all up.
Just talked to my brother, Rick, who is working in India for the second round of 6-weeks on and 6-weeks off. He is back for the second round after Christmas at home and health worries about his wife, Darlene. At least he is there safe and promised to call Cory who is dying to talk to him about our football team, the Buccaneers and the firing of coach Jon Gruden. My brother, my son and my husband are all huge football fans.
Well, that is my January so far. Looking forward to the inauguration and high hopes for our new president. Peace to all.