I tried to restrain myself and just post a few pictures to share the general feel of Cory's and Stephanie's wedding. I'm sure there will be hundreds pictures out on facebook before we are through. It was a wonderful wedding. Roger, Cory, Jill and I drove up together to Williamsburg, VA where Stephanie grew up. Steph and her wedding dress went on a plane. Her father and stepmother have a beautiful country home in the woods surrounded by the York river, a state park, a private hunting preserve and a military installation. Stephanie's dad, David, put Cory to work as soon as we got there, building the platform, hauling food, hanging lights, etc. Cory and David worked right up until the wedding was about to start. Tracy was inside making mountains of food and preparing all the decor, flowers, etc. Stephanie's friends and extended family were there including her mom, her sister and brother, her aunt and both her grandmas. Jill was everywhere -- getting her hair and nails done, dancing down the grassy hill tossing her flower petals, participating in the wedding ceremony (she got a wedding ring, too) and the sand ceremony that followed, running on the lawn with the other kids, dancing with her daddy and even catching the bouquet! Cory and Steph headed for Virginia beach for their honeymoon and we drove home the scenic route through the mountains. Now we are home. Tired but happy.