Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Catching Up

 Mia is waiting to be fitted with a hair piece generously donated by a local salon.
Mia and her mom named the hair piece "Harriet".

The ceiling of my hall closet with the shingles torn off. It looks like the night sky through
 the Hubble Space Telescope!

 Jonah and Mia at the airport when he got home from Tennessee.

Jill got to spend time with her cousin, MacKenzie, this summer.

I haven't blogged in over the month. Is it the end of an era? I have been using Facebook instead. It is a quick way to communicate with my friends and even my family. Some of my favorite blogger friends have dropped off but I still follow several others. This blog has been a record for my grandchildren. I always thought I would make it into a book some day. I wanted continue blogging at least until Jaime and Aaron's wedding. That has come and gone. But for now I want to catch up with the latest happenings just for the record.

The 3 grandkids are doing great in school. I was really worried with Mia starting kindergarten, and Jonah moving on to middle school. I expected more drama but it didn't happen. Mia loves school. I pick her and Jill up at the circle drive every day after school and look forward to the news of the day while it is still fresh. Jonah catches the bus to middle school and comes home the same way. He is doing fine and he likes changing classes and going to PE. He solved the problem of changing at school by wearing his PE clothes under his school uniform (khaki pants, blue or white polo shirt). After just a few days of being walked to her new class, Mia started getting out at the circle drive and finding her class by herself. Big girl!

Mia got a new hairpiece to help cover her scar from the dog bite. We call it Harriet. She doesn't seem to mind when other kids ask her about her scar and actually seems to enjoy the attention. We had a long awaited court date where we met with a really nice judge. He took a look at Mia and the pictures we sent. He asked her some questions and we got a judgment against the owner of the dog. It was a big judgment, but it is unlikely that she will ever see any of it. At least we tried to make sure she is protected for what she faces in the future. The surgery to correct entails grossly stretching her scalp to grow more skin for a graft. The procedure is slow, painful, and prone to infection. We hoped to get it done before she started school, but now it appears that it will be many years away. At least she will be able to understand and cooperate with her treatment when it comes. I am hoping there is another option before she has to go through all that.

She just met with a new doctor - an oncologist who is interested in TSC (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex). She will analyze Mia's MRI's and investigate possible treatments. Mia takes medicine that controls her seizures, but we worry about the tubers that can grow in her brain and other organs. She is very lucky to have a mild case and no developmental delays, but she has a lifelong disease and we pray for the researchers to find a cure for this terrible genetic disorder.

Roger and I have been dealing with roof leaks in the bedroom and kitchen. My friend, Alan, and a roofer recommended by a neighbor, have been working on the leaks for a month and they are mostly gone. Unfortunately the roof is only 12 years old and a whole new roof is not in the budget this year. Now we are also having car problems even though our Ford Freestyle has less than 50,000 miles. Something always comes up when we think we are getting ahead.

Roger's granddaughter and grandson in Michigan have each had a baby in the last 6 months - a girl and a boy, Briella and Liam. I was hoping we could take a trip up there this fall to see and hold these new great grandchildren, but don't think we are going to make it this year.

Jaime, the kids and I are looking forward to visiting the beach this weekend with Steph and Cory to help celebrate their two year anniversary. I will take the camera.

We watched the Republican National Convention which was held here in Tampa. Our police department in Tampa did such a great job keeping everyone safe and even received kind remarks about their professionalism. We also watched the Democratic National Convention with interest.  Those events and the anniversary of 9/11 have me feeling very patriotic.

I attended a neighborhood meeting last night to meet and hear a presentation from our police chief, Jane Castor. My son-in-law, who is finishing up at the Police Academy, also attended as a new homeowner of 1 year. He was by far the youngest person attending. He said he felt out of place, but they had some good food and he enjoyed seeing our Police Chief. I am hoping he can join our Tampa Police Force soon.

That is the latest news from our family. Happy autumn! We are enjoying a little cooler weather today.