Well, Jonah had his birthday. He had a blast, but I did not. After accepting that Jill was not invited because it was a "boy party", I got there to find tons of people including the neighbors' two little girls. Their father even asked me, "Where is Jill?" Where are all the kids bowling, playing video games, eating the pizza that Grandma brought? They were there, but I couldn't get into taking their pictures. Sure, Jaime said Jill could come at the last minute, but she wouldn't be able to bowl. Well, EVERYONE bowled. Leave it to say that I didn't have fun and it was obvious. Karin and Alan, Grandpa Jerry, Erica and her roommate and lots of other people came and brought Jonah some really nice gifts. I did stick around to watch him try to blow out the trick candles I got. They kept re-lighting themselves. I'm pretty tired of this kick Jonah is on that he doesn't want Jill around. Maybe he will have outgrown this when he gets back home. Or maybe she won't care and I won't either. Right now I care. Today is Jill's recital and my job is to pick up Courtney and get her there. Another fun day I fear.